Gallagher Actuarial Services SIMPLIFIED BENEFIT VALUATION APPLICATION Applicant Name: Telephone: Mailing Address: email address: (Report will be emailed to this address!) Case Reference: Participant Information: Plan Name: Name: Date of Birth: ___/___/___ Sex (check one):__ Male__ Female Health (check one):__ Healthy ("Healthy" assumed if not completed.) __ Disabled __ Disabled receiving Social Security Nature of Disability:_________________ Spouse/Beneficiary Information: Name: Date of Birth: ___/___/___ Sex (check one):__ Male__ Female Health (check one):__ Healthy ("Healthy" assumed if not completed.) __ Disabled __ Disabled receiving Social Security Nature of Disability:_________________ Benefit Definition: Amount of Periodic Payment: $_________ per (check one): __Month __Year Date of First Payment (complete one): __in pay status, started: ___/___/___ __first future payment date: ___/___/___ Form of Payment (check one and complete as necessary): (Single Life assumed if not completed.) __ Single Life of Participant __ Life of Participant with ___ payments guaranteed (must be consistent with above Frequency!) (Certain and Continuous Form) __ Life of Participant with ___% continuation to surviving Spouse/Beneficiary(Contingent Annuitant or Qualified Joint and Survivor Form) __ Joint Life of Participant and Spouse/Beneficiary with ___% continuation to survivor (common Joint and Survivor) __ Period Certain only: ___ payments __ Other (describe fully):_______________________________ Effect of Inflation (check one and complete as necessary): (No automatic cost of living adjustments assumed if not completed.) __ Plan does not provide for cost of living changes __ Plan provisions include automatic annual post-retirement cost of living adjustments based on: __ CPI changes __ other basis:__________ Requested Valuation Date: ___/___/___(Last day of current month assumed if no entry.) Applicant Signature:_____________________________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Send completed Application, with check for current fee of $50.00 to: Michael E. Gallagher Gallagher Actuarial Services, P.O. Box 297, Sebago, ME 04029-0297 Tel: (207) 650-6405 Please complete all items! Unsigned or incomplete Applications may be returned! One Benefit per Application Only! 05/23